Balance and strength

KG students were working on their balance and strength during PE. Improving balance increases coordination and strength, allowing them to move freely and steadily. Enhancing stability, mobility, and flexibility. Good job students!

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Food chains

In this unit, grade four students had the opportunity to learn about food chains. They explored how various organisms satisfy their needs in the environment in which they are typically found. In addition, they understood the survival needs of different organisms and considered how the conditions in a particular habitat

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50th Day of School!

Today our EC students celebrated their 50th Day of School! To mark the occasion, students and teachers wore their favorite outfits from the rockin’ 1950s era and completed activities all about the number 50 in their classrooms.

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Basic design concepts

This week and last, students of Grade 1 have been designing inventions from their imagination using basic design concepts they have learned over the past quarter. By implementing their knowledge of lines, shapes, and forms, they were asked to draw a mockup of their designs and use planning skills to

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Quarter 1 Honor Roll

We are proud to announce the academic excellence of our Met students! The Quarter 1 Honor Roll was based on the overall GPA (Grade Point Average). The Honor Roll starts at 3.7 and above and means that any Honor Roll student has a grade average of 90%/A- and above across

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“Body Awareness” Workshop

For the past couple of weeks, the School’s Social Counselor has been conducting a “Body Awareness“ Workshop across Grades 1,2, and 3. The workshop was designed to help the youngest students to understand that their feelings in response to touches are important to their staying safe. It was also targeting

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Food Chains

In science class, Grade 3 students worked with food chains, describing organisms’ ecological relationships to one another. Food chains illustrate predator-prey relationships and how energy is transferred. There is no better way to understand food chains than to make your own food chain. Third graders took the opportunity to learn

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